Assisting at the Blue Verandah Art Camp for 2014 are some wonderful Artist/Teachers:
Artist and Writer Jane Handel has been assisting me in Ojai with the art camps since their inception in 2002. Her discerning eye, wit and calm presence have been especially appreciated by students over the years. Her mixed media artworks have been exhibited in multiple galleries and museums in the Bay Area and Los Angeles. In 1990, she founded SpiderWoman Press—for the purpose of collaborating with artists and writers to make limited edition, letterpress-printed artists’ books and broadsides. One of the founding members of the Edible Communities, Handel recently sold the magazine Edible Ojai, after being Owner and Editor for a decade.
Artist Katie Barron will be with us at camp this teacher and counselor. She started at the Blue Verandah Art Camp at age 11 and attended art camp every year up until she left for Swathmore College. Since that time, she has pursued her artwork and has had experience teaching art via programs connected to Swathmore. She was recently honored with the Otto Heino OSA (Ojai Studio Artsts) Award for one of her paintings at the Ojai Valley Museum. She returns this year with great enthusiasm over sharing art and the art camp experience with young artists!